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Just Love  is my mantra.

I believe in sending love in every situation, everyday.                                                                                                                                                                          To bring forth positivity on our planet, if each person would just use a little kindness and show love to each person, we could start and begin the transformation of a whole new world. not just the people of earth, but the loving human race. Things we have in common: We are all human. we all have ideas. We all have creativity and the inherent capacity to love.

I have had many tragedies during my short time on earth, and without a  doubt, my spiritual relationship with God has brought me through each one, a stronger and more empathetic person. Able to look at people differently made and see the beauty in each soul. Life is a beautiful gift and each day presents itself to you as such. Say thank you.

Professional Woman Smiling
Meet Kaeda
Loves Family and Friends, Writing, Being creative,
A Challenge,
All Things Nature,  
Dancing in the Rain,  
Fur-Babies &
Positive Affirmations.

Setting Goals

The younger version of me always had my face planted in a good book. And writing was the next natural step to evolve from my love of reading. This new novel is the one I hope to eventually publish and use for other readers enjoyment. As long as there are pages to write, this is where you'll find me, for now.

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